“Territorio Italiano”, curated by G. Di Pietrantonio, Hotel Palace, Bologna, 1993-95
Bedroom work
The work is a square pane of glass painted on the back with phosphorescent pigment, installed in Room 402 of the Hotel Palace in Bologna. When the occupant of the room turns off the light, the glass starts to glow.
“The work finds fulfillment only when a relationship of complicity is established, dense with expectation, intimate, amorous, with the person who experiences it and is about to go to sleep – the artist says. – I talk about an amorous relationship because it almost has to do with clandestinity, with a rendez-vous of two lovers in a hotel room”. Here the artistic quality of the work is not granted by the context, but by the role played by the viewer, whose gaze gives an “aura” to what it observes: “I believe the work exists only in the gaze of the observer, in the unique, special encounter between work and viewer – the artist goes on – and it is precisely in this tension that the conditions are created for art to exist and take form” [Guido Molinari, “Alberto Garutti: Andare verso”, in Flash Art, June 2008].
Later works by the artist like Che cosa succede nelle stanze quando gli uomini se ne vanno? (What happens in rooms when the people have gone?, shown in different contexts from 2001 to 2008) make use of a language similar to that of Opera per camera da letto, along the lines of emblematic reflection on the responsibility of the viewer in the approach to the work.