“Luna Park Art Fantastica”, curated by F. Bonami, Villa Manin – Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Codroipo (UD), 2005

As if nature had left men out

The work is a colored metal enclosure, 2.40 m high, installed in the garden of Villa Manin, on a footprint that reflects the form of the Manin families historic coat-of-arms. The enclosure makes it impossible to mow the grass inside it, which is left to grow freely.

“The work focuses on the theme of nature, the fulcrum of the wide-ranging 18th-century architectural setting of the villa – the artist explains. – The enclosure separates two places: one outside, well groomed, with the grass cut in keeping with the desires of human beings; the other inside, gently left to its fate. As if nature, free to grow wild, had wanted to assert its independence and autonomy, as an unstoppable conveyor of life”. The project thus becomes a comment with respect to the art system, which is often indifferent to the contexts with which it interacts.

The artist has imagined the work as a “gentle” gesture towards nature – “I wanted to encourage its innocent tendency towards freedom, to give rise to an intimate, amorous encounter with nature”, he says. Many of his works address the question of the mystical sense shared by nature and art, from the Irrigatori created for the Tiscali Campus in Cagliari, to the Temporali presented first at Fondazione Remotti and then at the MAXXI in Rome, and later at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin.